Terms and Conditions
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Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of the DUOS Internet Store

governing the business conditions between the Operator / Seller

and the Customer / Buyer

(hereinafter referred to as the "GTC")


1. The Operator (Seller) of the DUOS Internet Store is Luxury Eyewear SK, s.r.o., registered office Dunajská 3, 811 08 Bratislava The place of business of the Seller is Pribinova 8, 811 09 Bratislava - Staré mesto. Business ID: 50322729, Tax ID: 2120282109, VAT registration number: SK2120282109 

2. The Buyer (Customer) in the online store is any natural or legal person, who sends the electronic form with the order of the goods.

3. The Consumer is a natural person, who purchases goods through the Internet shop on the domain www.duos.sk and who does not order these goods for the purpose of pursuing an occupation, profession or business.


Email: info@duosshop.co.uk

Contact eshop: +421 919 368 390 (Mon - Fri, 8:00 - 16:00)

Store Bratislava: +421 919 289 843 (Mon - Sun, 10:00-21:00)

Store Prague: +420 702 003 704 (Mon - Sun, 09:00-21:00)

Store Vienna: +436 765 920 032 (Mon - Sa, 09:30-18:00)

Order of goods in the Seller's Internet shop

1. The Buyer orders goods at the Seller's Internet shop via e-shop located under the domain www.duos.sk.

2. Description of goods, its properties, availability in stock, and price are listed in the online store to each item.

3. Purchase of goods through the Internet shop is conditioned by registration. Upon registration, an email will be delivered to the Buyer, at the email address, entered during the registration, which contains an activation link. The Buyer, by clicking on the link, activates his account at the online store. Upon successful registration, the Buyer will have access to his account, through which he can report to the online store for purchases.

4. The Buyer orders goods from the Seller via an online store, following the instructions in this online store.

5. After pressing the "TO CART" button on any item, the ordered goods will be automatically added to the buyer's shopping cart. The Buyer's shopping cart is available for viewing at any time during the creation of the Order.

6. In viewing the shopping cart, the buyer can also choose the way of transport (delivery) of the goods, according to the possibilities offered by the Seller. Prices for individual goods, VAT, etc. do not include delivery charge, which is added according to the selected mode of transport, if the Seller allows transport in several ways.

7. The Buyer completes his order by pressing the "Order with payment obligation" button. By sending an order, that is by pressing the mentioned button, the Buyer also confirms that he has also been informed about the characteristics of the purchased goods and the total price of the goods that the Buyer is obliged to pay to the Seller.

8. Once the order has been created, this order will be registered in the online system. The Seller shall send to the Buyer's email address, entered at registration, the following:

- confirmation of order with information on the order,

- the wording of the GTC,

- Seller's Return Policy.

9. By delivering the order confirmation, the purchase contract is deemed to be closed, the subject of which is the delivery of goods specified in the order for the given price.

Withdrawal from the contract

1. The Customer - Consumer is entitled to withdraw from the contract from a distance or from the contract concluded outside the seller's premises within 14 days of taking over the goods without giving any reason. Goods shall be deemed as delivered to the consumer at the time, when the consumer or a third party designated by him, other than the carrier, takes over all parts of the ordered goods or if:

(a) the goods ordered by the consumer in a single order are delivered separately, at the time of receipt of the goods, which have been delivered last,

(b) the delivered goods shall consist of several pieces or parts, then at the time when the last part or last piece is taken over,

(c) the ordered goods are delivered repeatedly for a specified period, then at the time of receipt of the first delivered goods.

2. The consumer may exercise the right to withdraw from the contract in the paper form or in the form of a registration on another durable medium; if the contract was concluded verbally, any unambiguously formulated statement by the consumer expressing his willingness to withdraw from the contract ('the notice of withdrawal') is sufficient to apply the consumer's right of withdrawal. The consumer may use the withdrawal sample form sent to the consumer by e-mail upon receipt of the order, as set out in the appendix to these GTC.

3. The withdrawal period shall be deemed to be maintained, if the notice of withdrawal has been sent to the Seller at the latest on the last day of the period. In the case of delivery doubts to the Consumer, the notice of withdrawal shall be deemed as delivered at the expiry of the usual delivery time of the applicable method of transport, if the consumer can prove the dispatch to the address stated by the Seller or to another address, if the Seller duly notified the Consumer about this change after the conclusion of the contract. If the postal item containing the notice of withdrawal cannot be delivered to the Seller for reasons under a special regulation, the notice of withdrawal is considered to be delivered on the date of its delivery to the Seller, to the address under the first sentence. 

3. Where the consumer withdraws from the contract, any supplementary contract relating to the contract, from which the Consumer had withdrawn, shall also be withdrawn from the beginning. No costs or other payments may be claimed from the Consumer in connection with the cancellation of a supplementary contract, except for the payment of additional costs and the cost of returning the goods to the Seller or the person authorized by the Seller to take over the goods. Additional costs are the difference between the delivery costs chosen by the Consumer and the cost of the cheapest normal delivery method offered by the Seller. 

4. The burden of proof on the exercise of the right of withdrawal shall be borne by the Consumer. 

5. The seller shall return to the consumer, without undue delay, within 14 days of the date of delivery of the notice of withdrawal, all payments received y the Seller under the contract, including the cost of transport, delivery and postage, and other costs and charges . 

6. The seller shall return to the Consumer all payments referred to in the preceding paragraph in the same way, as the consumer has used for his payment. This is without prejudice to the Consumer's right to agree with the Seller on another method of payment, if no additional charges are charged in relation to the change to the consumer. 

7. The Seller is not obliged to pay additional costs to the consumer, if the consumer has explicitly opted for a different option of delivery, any other than the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the Seller. Additional costs are the difference between the delivery costs chosen by the Consumer and the cost of the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the seller. 

8. When withdrawing from a contract, the subject of which is a sale, the Seller is not obliged to return the payment to the Consumer before the goods are delivered to him or until the Consumer returns the goods back to the Seller in person, unless the Seller suggests that the goods shall be picked up personally or through his authorized person. 

9. The Consumer is obliged to send the goods back or hand it over to the Seller or the person authorized by the Seller to take over the delivery of the returned goods within 14 days of the date of withdrawal. This does not apply, if the Seller proposes to pick up the goods personally or through a person authorized to do so. The time limit referred to in the first sentence shall be deemed to be preserved, if the goods were handed over for shipment not later than on the last day of the period. 

10. The Consumer shall be entitled to return to the Seller also the goods acquired under a contract concluded during or in connection with a sale, and to withhold such goods until the Seller returns the price paid or the advance for the goods or service to the Consumer. 

11. When withdrawing from the contract, the Consumer shall only bear the cost of returning the goods to the Seller or the person authorized by the Seller to take over the goods. 

12. The Consumer shall only be liable for the diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods, which goes beyond the treatment necessary to ascertain the characteristics and functionality of the goods. 

Product price, payment terms

1. All prices of the goods in the order and in the online store are listed including VAT. The Buyer may pay the price according to the Purchase Order: 

a) through payment gateway

b) by bank transfer

2. The Seller shall not charge any fees for payment. However, the Buyer is advised that the entity, which performs the payment, may charge a fee (such as a given bank for direct account deposit). 

3. The Buyer undertakes to pay the price within the time, specified in the order. Payment is the moment of crediting the prize to the Seller's account.

4. The price of the goods is determined according to the valid price list of the Seller, published on his website. The cost of the goods shall be the cost of transport, delivery, postage and packing. The total price of the goods, including any extra costs, will be shown in the e-mail confirming receipt of the order. Preferred (action/ sale) prices of goods are clearly marked with symbols (such as "reduced" or "sale"). Validation of reduced prices takes place until the stock is sold out or during the period of the sale price, about which the Seller informs the Buyer.

6. The Operator is not responsible for the delayed delivery of goods caused by the carrier (mail, courier) or by the incorrect address of the Customer. The customer is obliged to carefully check the goods at the delivery of the goods from the delivery agent and to confirm with his signature the receipt of the goods. If the package is visibly damaged or destroyed, the ordering party is obliged to immediately contact the operator without taking over the shipment. 

7. Orders placed before 12:00 on the given working day, if the products are in stock, we ship on the given day and deliver within 3 working days. If the products are in stock at the supplier, the delivery time is 14 to 30 calendar days.

Ordering goods in a stone shop

1. In the event that the goods for which the buyer showed interest is not found in the physical store of the Seller nor in the warehouse of the Seller, the Buyer has the option to order this goods directly from the Seller. 

2. The Buyer and Seller shall sign a binding order as mentioned by here. 

3. Based on the binding order, the Buyer shall pay to the Seller a deposit of ...% of the purchase price of the goods. The Buyer is obliged to take over the ordered goods properly and in reasonable time and the Seller is obliged to deliver the ordered goods duly and in due time to the Buyer.

4. Should the buyer fail to take over the goods and any further efforts by the Seller to deliver the ordered goods remain unsuccessful, the Seller is entitled to charge the Buyer a cost of storage in the amount of 15 € with VAT for each day of storage of the goods. 

Ordering dioptric glasses online

1. The Internet shop operator www.duos.sk offers its customers the option to buy dioptric glasses online. 

2. Ordering dioptric glasses online through the online shop is subject to registration. Upon registration, an e-mail message shall be sent to the e-mail address, entered by the Consumer at the time of registration, which contains an activation link. By clicking on the link, the Consumer activates his account at the online store. Upon successful registration, the Consumer will have access to his / her account, through which purchases will be reported in the online store. 

3. Buyers order dioptric glasses at the Seller directly through the online store, following the instructions given in this online store.

4. After pressing the "TO CART" button on an item, the ordered goods will automatically be added to the Buyer's shopping cart. The Buyer's shopping cart is available for viewing at any time during the creation of the order. 

5. In the shopping cart preview, the Buyer can also choose the way the goods are delivered according to the options offered by the Seller. Prices for individual goods, VAT, etc. are without the transport price, which is added according to the mode of transport chosen, if the Seller allows to deliver the goods in several ways.

6. The buyer completes the order by pressing the "Order with payment obligation" button. By sending the order, that is by pressing the "Order with a Payment Obligation" button, the Buyer also confirms that he has also been informed about the characteristics of the goods and the total price of the goods, which the Buyer is obliged to pay to the Seller.

7. Once the order has been created, this order will be registered in the online system. The Seller shall send to the Buyer's email address, entered at registration, the following:

- confirmation of order with information on the order,

- the wording of the GTC,

- Seller's Return Policy.

8. By delivering the order confirmation, the purchase contract is deemed to be closed, the subject of which is the delivery of goods specified in the order for the given price

9. The Customer - Consumer is entitled to withdraw from the contract from a distance or from the contract concluded outside the seller's premises within 14 days of taking over the goods without giving any reason. Goods shall be deemed as delivered to the consumer at the time, when the consumer or a third party designated by him, other than the carrier, takes over all parts of the ordered goods or if:

Final Provisions

1. Legal relationships with persons not regulated by these GTC are governed in particular by the provisions of the Civil Code, Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer Protection in the sale of goods or the provision of services on the basis of a distance contract or a contract concluded outside the premises of the Sellers store and on the amendment and change of certain laws, Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on Consumer Protection, as amended.

2. The warranty terms are governed by the Return Policy. The Operator and the Manufacturer do not provide additional warranty, other than the statutory guarantee. Claims for returns, including consumer information on alternative dispute resolution, are further detailed in the Return Policy found HERE.

3. The Operator has an ethical code of conduct that he is committed to adhere to. The consumer may get familiar with this code directly at the company's premises. 

Contact to the relevant Inspectorate of the Slovak Trade Inspection:

Ústredný Inšpektorát Slovenskej obchodnej inšpekcie,

registered office: Bratislava, 

P.O. BOX 29, Prievozská 32, 827 99 Bratislava, 





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